Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No membership is absolutely free.
To get involved, why not start by joining us to watch a game? If you prefer, drop us an email beforehand to let us know you’re coming and which location you’ll be joining us at. This way, we can ensure that the relevant chapter leadership is informed and provide you with their names for easier interaction.
Alternatively, you can simply show up and look out for fellow fans sporting Bayern gear! Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself when you arrive. We welcome your participation and look forward to connecting with you at our events!
FCBTX maintains an established line of communication with the Bayern organization, affording us the opportunity to collaborate with the club as a larger chapter rather than individual or smaller clubs. This partnership yields several advantages, including the provision of complimentary merchandise by Bayern and assistance for our members in securing tickets to Bayern games for in-person attendance. Additionally, we facilitate ticket arrangements for our members during Bayern’s U.S. Summer tours. Leveraging our size, Bayern has dispatched video teams to document our significant Der Klassiker event in the Spring.
We also send emails out to our members regarding upcoming games and other events and opportunities related to FCBTX.
Copyright © 2024 FCBTX - All Rights Reserved.
A FC Bayern Munich Fan Club